Poems a link to the soul

How can poems change your soul?

      It has long been said that art can represent a road towards a persons' soul and a gateway to its mind. Artists have always emphasized the importance of choosing the right words, phrases in the case of writers and in the case of painters the right colors and images. They were meant to provoke feelings in the audience, to make them escape their daily problems and appreciate a work that nurtures their soul. For this reason alone art critics believe that many drawings or novels are priceless and to label them is pointless. These creations reflects the contemporary's world mentalities and aspirations towards their present and also future.
We have to take into consideration that poems have played a special role in humanities history. Starting with ancient Greece, Hesiod's poems or Euripides's creations, and so many others this type of literary theme was regarded as the best way to reflect certain emotions and feelings. It is only natural to think that nowadays there is a strange world interested in other things than poems. Still, people in recent years have realized that poems about life, love or other major emotions began to touch their soul the timidity of some words. Death has been for centuries a theme that startled the interest of many writers that saw in the final act of man as the only thing worth writing about. I strongly believe that they were right, I mean, just think about it. How can you reach somebody' soul without making a reference to the passing in the afterworld? You can't. The soul is eternal and in order to barely scratch its surface you must have some basic knowledge about the act itself. The road towards anyone's inner nature is through a determined keen creation that simply speaks to the reader every time he reads it. Many art critics believe that this is difference between great writers and mediocre ones.
      You might not be a true believer of the powerful effect that a poem has on your mind and on your perception towards culture. Teenagers now, although they might not share it with their friends, have developed a tendency to read online poems, or books written by famous and great minds of the past. Despite the fact that there is now a tendency to block out greatness in writing because people consider artists like this weak and poor, in mind and soul they are richer than a wealthy man from Hollywood. The transition towards culture and the benefits that come from it can be easy even thou you are a stranger to literature. The road can be hard but not imposable because we, as humans have always had a predisposition to knowledge and especially wisdom.
A simple thought about a much debated issue.

William Shakespeare

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