Manipulation of information

Manipulation of information 


To manipulate the hearts and minds of people constructs the cleanest control on the soul of a country and implicitly of its development process. Francis Fukayama underlined the importance of creating protective measures against external manipulation factors that have the necessary tools of limiting or enhancing the development process, in an unnatural rhythm. Understanding how the act of controlling information and guiding it in diverse third-party objectives represents the first step in combating the negative implications which usually accompanies manipulation. There are certain interest groups and individuals who can profit from taking the development process to sooth their direction thus gaining leverage on contracts, social programs or cultural discrepancies. Information can be used to nurture or dismantle the development process, it all depends on how the whole structure is handled and controlled.

I.                  Manipulation of information – the impact on the development process

Manipulation represents a constant presence in human history with clear ramifications on the development process, observed at the local, regional or national level. The areas may differ in both time and region, from the Roman Empire to the technological revolution established by the giants located in Silicon Valley, but manipulation remains the same, solid in conviction and strong in the predisposed objectives. The manipulator creates a trustworthy relation or of suspicion, taking into consideration the behavior and attitude held in common with the targeted group. Information is the exchange piece used by different persons to influence the development in the social, economic and spiritual. The three components: Manipulation – information – development processes reunite in a symbiotic relation but with particular levels of balance. The development process both in theory and practice, can take certain patterns which accommodate interests of individuals or groups. The impact of manipulation on the development basic and extended ramifications is measured by the goals achieved by the influencer. Today, modernity is covered with extensive evidence of the utilization of manipulation on the citizen and its possibility accesses their right of free manifestation both socially and economically.

Every century has had its share of political entities and societies who aspired to control all the components that maintain a healthy development in any field. Using the knowledge held by the past from the actions of political leaders like Mao, Hitler, Stalin, Goebbels, the Catholic Church or the Number 3 NKVD Directive from 2 June 1947 with important effects on the normal functionality of the development process in any region. Through a long strain of excesses and genius acts certain individuals managed to curb the reality of the development regular flow, by adding or removing some pieces of information, essential or superficial. Analyzing the link between the informational arena and the representatives of the social and economic system can be difficult but set within the boundaries of expansive clarity if the proper studies are understood. The psychological subtleties of manipulating a piece of information can enhance the possibility of an individual to curb the regular flow of development and thus limit the technological, cultural and economic progress of a country or organization.

The image-information relation and the distinct patterns of manipulation can, once reunited in a stable and well-determined program, influence the mentalities of communities and thus impose third-party objectives in distinct areas. The state, the leader or the religious pastor can maintain the levels of manipulation to low levels by imposing their own set of rules which in fact represent the white-core approach. The characteristics of this attitude manifested and maintained by the permanent factors within a society, “guides” the citizens towards stability and a stress-free environment even thou manipulation is present in every aspect.

Humanity during its extended history has always sought to create shields which constructed as viable and durable can offer to the minds of the people a sudden surge of inner stability. In most of the present form of the development process thought and explained by Joseph Stieglitz or Francis Fukuyama, a major part of human need for transparency in all aspects concerning information is linked to one dilemma: Whether the details are tainted by manipulation. Targeting to determine the viability and possibility of manipulation through information through the internet, the present study will emphasize on the basic characteristics and implications the act on the development process, pointing out differences in strategies and policies transformed by planting or eluding certain details. The liberty of information proposed by the internet imposes a different kind of manipulation, one that can’t be observed by conventional means. This is the reason why the Central Intelligence Agency has created special units that monitor the flow of information (sources, recurrence rate, and period) in order to determine the manipulator, its locations and reasons.

Democracy mixed with the wide expression of the internet represents the new “battlefield” in which manipulation tries on a daily basis to impose its mark on the development process. The 21st century is electronic and informational. Manipulating different sets of information can set new standards, new objectives and new mentalities, changes that can stimulate the appearance of uneven and unhealthy development processes in different parts of the world. The best example to emphasize the natural and clear essence of the theory is China, where informatics manipulation has made this country to have the title of world’s first economy, surpassing the U.S. Obviously there are particularities of the impact that manipulating simple information can have on a region, town or community but the general pattern can be recognized. Even thou the proposed study is general through the proper reflection on the informational and mass-media manipulation strategies and policies, some facts may emphasize more and particular trends that influence our day to day life. The manipulation of words has started, around the world, in different languages but with a common voice, a new history through the internet and its vast information memory. 

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