The Millennium Development Goals and the business sector

The Millennium Development Goals and the business sector 

The world is changing, being engulfed in political instability, environmental problems with deep implications on society and also on the human’s ability to adapt. The high dynamic of the worldwide issues send the international community a signal for action. In response the United Nations created, with attention to the political, cultural and religious background, the Millennium Development Goals. In order to understand this important and major assembly of states, NGO’s and private businesses we need to deconstruct the development process and see how the components interact and deliver good results. In the context of grand aspirations concerning sustainable development and improvements to livelihoods, the United Nations analysed with responsibility the current problems of world after sending observers and analysts in affected areas. This is the reason why it is important to study the development process and its capacity to remedy the existing obstacles towards better standards of living in poor or underdeveloped countries. Even thou the needs of the present are mandatory, assuring that future generation will benefit from the same conditions managed to create the term of sustainable development.
The present eight Millennium Development Goals were created in order to form a global action plan, despite cultural, political and educational diversity as a reliable tool towards creating a better world. Furthermore due to the existence of a growing global identity, as a result of the globalisation process, the call for action on environmental and social issues is welcomed with enthusiasm and dedication by communities. In this respect, it is imperative to comprehend the interactions between the theory package drafted by the UN and the reality of policies implemented in the affected areas. Annual reports, studies and observation notes are being drafted by the UNDP, UNICEF, UNESCO and major companies in order to assess the progress level of the strategies adopted and their impact on the community. Achieving the MDG’s represents a collective effort from both the international forum but also with the direct and powerful implication of the business sector. Since the creation of the Global Compact partnership with its 10 working principle business committed their resources and operations in area of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption as an integrant aid towards helping poor or underdeveloped countries to reach the MDGs by 2015. In the framework of the Global Compact major companies catalyse their actions in support of the UN goals including the Millennium development goals, through carefully designed policies and programs attuned with the indigene characteristics.
“We need strong partnerships to speed up MDG progress…. We must make use of what works. I congratulate and thank those who ask ‘how could the way I run my business really make a difference on a large scale?’” Helen Clark, Administrator, United Nations Development Program
The current study tries to underline the characteristics of the development process and its capacity through the Millennium Development Goals and correlated with professional aid from the business sector to improve the quality of life in poor and underdeveloped countries. The chapters reflect a multidimensional approach on the development process complexities and in a logical evolution emphasizes the MDGs construct in direct interaction and collaboration with representatives of the business sector. Studying the subtleties of the development process and placed in a symbiotic relation with major corporations can present certain difficulties related to the nature of the initial help and the latter on evolution. Many analysts have underlined that companies provide assistance in poor or underdeveloped countries following personal interests and with no regard for the people involved. Still, as the basic structure of sustainable development will be displayed with more clarity we will try and demonstrate how the business sector improves the livelihood and living conditions of people from countries affected by poverty, lack of education or access to basic human needs.
“Defining development” represents the theoretical aspect of the study and it is vital in understanding the structure and ramifications of such a complex process. Starting with defining development and its dimensions in the environmental, social and human level, this chapter proposes to underline the active core of the process and its ability to improve the livelihood and social awareness of the countries affected by poverty. Even thou the development process are quite complex, comprised out of many distinct and sometimes independent phases, we will try and determine the functionality of the mechanisms making this engine evolves. Theorized in many forms, in close connection with the scientific agora of the emitter, the development process has a unique and solid structure, constant evolution and connection to the standard of living of the individual. We will try and connect the fractures of definitions left out by some political and economic analysts and thus try and bring the development process near the present, implicitly near the globalisation process.
In “The genesis of the Millennium Development Goals” we emphasize on the creation of these objectives by the UN and their main characteristics and viability in a world driven a deep and lasting economic crisis and also political instability. Furthermore taking into consideration the multiple dimensions of the MDGs it is important to understand how they apply to basic human needs and social awareness in the context of a healthy and natural development process. Underlining the importance of achieving the objectives: Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger, Achieve Universal Primary Education, Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women, Reduce Child Mortality, Improve Maternal Health, Combat HIV/AIDS Malaria and other diseases, Ensure Environmental Sustainability and Develop a Global Partnership for Development represents the primary objective of this part of the study. Every goal is set on improving various aspects of a person’s livelihood, deeply affected by one of the gaps targeted in the objectives in the UN Declaration of 2000. We will try to demonstrate how the MDGs represent a driving force for improvements in day to day lifestyle patterns and a solid foundation for future development. The UN made this pact with humanity and nature in order to ensure the survival of our race and avoid dealing with self-destruction apocalyptic scenarios. It is by far a constant effort which requires maintenance and professionalism because achieving the MDGs by 2015 represents not only a test of maturity for the UN but also the chance of building a better future, in touch with the principles of respect for both nature and the individual.
The business role within the accomplishment of the MDGs” represents a practical interaction between the Millennium Development Goals and major corporations who implement strategies in order for them to be achieved and in the process improve the standards of living in poor or underdeveloped countries. The 21st century represents the fertile ground of collaboration between companies and the UN in creating a better tomorrow for all citizens of the global civil community. Coming with expertise, professionalism and dedication towards supporting sustainable development, major companies like Unilever, Eskom, SC Johnson, Procter & Gamble, Holcim, and Rio Tinto are clear examples of collaboration capable of helping countries achieve the MDGs by 2015. Each company started from 2000 and until the present programs bent on improving access to clean water, better building facilities and low-cost housing solutions, improved health through iodized salt, encouragement of self-reliance for local communities, improve livelihoods for pyrethrum farmers and empowering local entrepreneurs to develop their businesses. Taking into consideration the local characteristics, based on observations and carefully drafter reports, the business sector managed to infuse professionalism and dedication to positive improvements through a carefully structured sequence of policies and strategies. In this chapter we will try and underline the beneficial effects of the development plans and also display the practical aspects of the programs felt by people in the ground.
Understanding the metamorphosis of the world in an unstable political and environmental climate is primordial towards learning how to adapt to the upcoming changes. This is the main reason why the UN together with the business sector developed the proper strategies and policies towards aiding poor or underdeveloped countries to achieve the MDGs by 2015 without creating any steps backward. The study case done on the eight corporations mentioned above will underline how the business sector enhances the capacity of states striving to reach their MDG target to progress. To this extent we will understand better why Kofi Annan said that the Millennium Development Goals can’t be achieved without the infusion of capital and experience of the major corporations. 

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